Entry Form

Please complete the form below.


Once we received your form, we will be in touch with regards to payment of the entry fee to us (This will be done by bank transfer). Your entry into the competition will not be confirmed until this payment has been made.


Single team entry – £350

Deposit £150 with the balance to be paid over the season.

    Team Information

    Team Captain

    Captains are requested to suggest a member of their team who may be required to referee.

    Designated Team Referee

    It is recommended that captains photocopy this document and get players to sign it also.


    Further to your application to play Touch Rugby, the Vale of Glamorgan council, the WRU, Old Penarthians RFC and Penarth RFC acting as the venues and "TOUCH RUGBY WALES" acknowledge NO RESPONSIBILITY whatsoever for any injury or accident to any of your club's or team's players which may occur at THE VENUE whilst competing in the Touch Rugby Competition.

    Responsibility for insurance against accident or injury to your players lies entirely with your club, team or individual concerned.

    In "plainspeak" Touch rugby is a "non collision" sport but players can sustain injuries such as pull muscles, twisted joints or tear ligaments, so this is simply an agreement saying that you enter the club, venue and play at your own risk.

    Cars are also parked at the owner's risk.

    In returning this form, the VENUE (the WRU and Touch Rugby Wales) assume that team managers have informed all of the team players of their own responsibility for insurance.

    All players attend and play aware of Covid risks and undertake to act responsibly following accepted Covid guidance, knowing that they do so at their own risk.


    acknowledge a copy of the above notice and confirm acceptance of its terms.

    Please check this box to confirm that you have read and understood the Terms and Conditions

    I have read and understood the Terms and Conditions